Drop of Bali $30 (Natural Rosewood: with cream shell beads Length 12 inches) |
Drenched Rustic-Shells of
Bali $40.00
Bejeweled of Bali $30.00
Blazing Baliwood $15.00
(Natural Polished Rosewood: with red shell beads Length 10.5 inches) |
Blue Moon of Bali $20.00
(Natural large beige outer shell w/ blue (hints of purple) inner shell: w/cream shell beads Length 10.5 inches) |
Heart of Bali $20.00 (Natural simi-large heart-shape shell: w/cream shell beads Length 10.5 inches) |
Sexy Zen of Bali $30.00
(Natural crushed embedded shells: red/black resin, strands of shell beads: Length 10.5 inches) |
Sea Shore Zen of Bali $30.00
(Natural crushed embedded shells: light blue/black resin: Length 10.5 inches) |
Sexy Sea Drops of Bali $25.00
Blue Sea of Bali $19.95
(Natural various hues of light blue bali shells: Length 9.0 inches)